
In a modern building, in harmony with the green nature that surrounds it operates the Elementary of the Fryganiotis Schools

Selected teachers promote the educational work with standard and original teaching programmes and studies aiming not only at the transmission of knowledge, but also at the integration of students from the first grade in the right learning process.

With modern pedagogical theories and teaching methods, friendly for the young learner, we introduce him step by step to the first reading, writing and numbering. By providing quality education and aiming to cultivate well-rounded personalities with developed personal and social skills, we shape tomorrow's citizens.

Our aim is to encourage students' creative participation in learning, but also to provide multiple stimuli for knowledge research, to make use of their special aptitudes and interests, to raise their awareness on contemporary social, cultural and environmental issues, so that they can respond to future challenges.

The aim of the Elementary School is the multifaceted intellectual and physical development of our pupils.

Activities in Elementary School: Plenty of options for every child

They participate in a variety of creative activities, so that they can explore a topic from all angles and acquire comprehensive knowledge, critical, analytical and synthetic thinking. The educational innovations applied make the course enjoyable, creative and effective. Special publications of our school supply students, throughout the year, with materials that help to consolidate the subjects more fully.

The possibility of learning English and a second foreign language, French or of the German, lays the foundations for a better future and familiarizes students with the respective culture and culture of the country. With daily electronic updates on the progress of the courses and regular meetings between Parents and teachers we achieve more detailed and complete information for Parents on the progress of their children.

From the early grades the children enjoy and create with theatre play in their own theatre.

The Visual Arts, the Music, the Theater and Film enrich school life. Selected films are watched by the children in our Schools' theatre.

With theoretical preparation and organised visits we develop museum education in archaeological and and cultural sites. Through selected projects, group work, students learn about and respect our cultural heritage.

The curriculum in Elementary School, what a child needs

With tributes to Greek and foreign writers the children approach Poetry and Literature.

They study their works and very often have the opportunity to discuss with them. Through literature we can initiate new relationships between education and creativity, linking education with literacy and cultural practice.

The objective can be achieved through a teaching of reading, which can combine the cultivation of thought with the pleasure of understanding the text and the processing of the written word.

From the beginning of their school life our children are in contact with the lessons of the Electronic Computer through the Informatics in Primary School and special age-appropriate programmes.

A large part of the curriculum is oriented towards the principles of environmental education and the activities of the whole year culminate in June with the events of the "Green Week", which is an institution for our school.

The actions of the students in the Elementary School do not stop

Every year the students of the Primary School participate in various Conferences of Computer Science, Environmental Education, Competitions of the of the Hellenic Mathematical Society, the International Mathematical Competition KAGKOURO, of the the Hellenic Union of Natural Sciences,, the the Panhellenic Student Competition via Internet -LYSIA Art, Literature , etc.

Special sections of sports and cultural activities (Clubs) pleasantly complement the student life of our children. Through a variety of movement and sports activities physical education helps in the physical development of our students, contributes to their mental and spiritual cultivation, as well as to their harmonious integration into society.

Top moments in the Private Training Centres of ours, are the Gymnastics Demonstrations and the Graduation Ceremony for our Graduates, great celebrations with a sporting and artistic character.

Scholarships are awarded for the admission of students to the first year of high school, depending on their performance in Language and Mathematics.

Every year, the Fryganiotis Schools organize summer programmes of Creative Activities with recreational, educational, group and sports activities at the School and outdoors, always aiming at creative expression and the intellectual development of the children.