With the demands of the modern age in the area of technology, IT, and education in mind,Fryganiotis School created fully equipped IT labs..
The school has state-of-the-art multi-media computers connected to a local area network and to the Internet (leased ADSL line).The interactive whiteboardsincrease the students' enthusiasm, interest and participation so that they are more attentive and perform better thanks to the power of interaction. It also helps them to better absorb complex concepts.
Different learning models (auditory, visual, kinaesthetic) are used to offer students the opportunity to participate and work together for better learning.
In order to achieve this important goal, which is the broader use of the computer from initially becoming familiar with it and learning how to operate it to the level of being fully trained, IT instruction begins in Kindergarten.
Our aim is not the exhausting and pointless occupation of the children through computers. We rely on educational programmes,that seek to develop an appropriate relationshipbetween children and computers and to help them understand and use modern technologies.
The educational activities allowing children to learn about computers and new technologies start in Kindergarten, where they aim at developing the following basic areas:
- Acquaintance with computers.
- Familiarisation with the mouse and keyboard through educational applications such as mazes, memory games and observation exercises.
- Learning numbers, letters, words and complete sentences through original and entertaining educational programs.
- Practise with drawing geometrical shapes and colours through special drawing and painting applications.
The introduction of students in First, Second and Third Year of Primary School to IT isachieved through specific books and a number of educational applications which help them to learn how to use computers and acquire the skills needed for the basic operations, and which stimulate their imagination and creativity.
The students must also understand and learn about all the precautions they need to take; the habits they should adopt when using computers; to comprehend the basic issues related to ergonomics and proper way to position their hands, the appropriate lighting near the computer, among others.
The students in First and Second Year of Primary School are taught the special terminology of Information Technology (CPU, RAM, Byte, etc.)
They become familiar with the equipment and technical characteristics of the computer (input and output devices, peripherals).
They are taught to use the word processing application (fonts, letter size, saving and printing documents), as well as the spreadsheet software (rows, columns, cells, graphs).
The students in the Third Year of Primary School understand and learn more about the 'software' and 'hardware' of a computer.
They are taught the word processing application (typing and text formatting), the spreadsheet application (create and format worksheets, formulas, graphs) and the database application (understanding fields, data entry and files).
4th - 5th - 6th YEAR PRIMARY SCHOOL:
The students in Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Year of Primary School are taught the following seven modules:
1. Basic concepts of IT
2. Using a computer
3. Word processing
4. Spreadsheets
5. Graphic design
6. The Internet
7. E-mail
These modules constitute the core syllabus for the ECDL-KIDS certificate recognised throughout Europe. By the end of Primary School, students may acquire the ECDL e-kids. The examinations take place at our school, which is an officially approved ECDL training centre.ECDL.
In Lower and Upper Secondary School, IT is taught as a formal subject and follows the detailed syllabus of the Pedagogical Institute.
The use of computers nowadays is essential in any activity. Acquiring proper knowledge of computers starts at a young age.
The Aristotle Certification and Training Assessment (ACTA) a spin-off of Aristotle University in Thessaloniki, has created a pioneering programme for children aged 6-12 aimed at teaching them to use computers through games and fun activities.. At the same time, it aims to steer them towards new educational horizons by chiefly using a 'learning by doing' method. .
The key features of the programme are participation in activities, research, observation, experience and discovery..
TheBE ACTAcertifications are divided into four levels.Each level has three modules, and students choose two for assessment.Beginners ACTA is a certificate for children which rewards youngsters who used more specialised, expanded material on both the basics of computer useand on multimedia applications..
The students receivingBE ACTA certificates take part in annual national competitions and awards events, staged by ACTA to support the idea of'IT Education and Participation at a young age'.