To the activities of wet athletics, Synchronised Swimming is added which combines the harmony of dance and rhythm with classical swimming.
Dance movements accompanied by music and the theatrical element that characterizes it, requires strength, flexibility, grace, artistry and a special breathability.
It provides experiences that a child would only gain if he or she were engaged in different subjects, but without a balance between them, as Synchronised Swimming achieves.
Physical activity contributes to development and improves both physical and mental health. For this reason, Fryganiotis schools make sure to introduce their students to the world and benefits of sport from an early age. According to experts, from the preschool age the child is ready to start a sports activity Kindergarten, and nursery school can therefore be an ideal starting point for a child's relationship with sport.
However, sport is not only about physical development and health. Through it, the child begins to acquire a way of perceiving the world. By participating in sports, he or she becomes a member of a team and is taught to communicate equally and according to rules, to participate in a common effort towards a common goal. The structuring of the connection between students and sports takes place at all levels of our school, from elementary, middle and high school.Our mission is to provide our students with the necessary skills to graduate as well-rounded individuals, ready to join adult society.