The overall goal of our Kindergarten is to encourage the well-rounded and balanced development of our youngsters.
We focus on the way children learn and on the processes that stimulate their desire to learn.
Emphasis is placed on enjoyment of the educational process. The kindergartners learn better through fun and creative activities that contribute to theircognitive,social, emotional and physical development.
Children of pre-school age develop in many areas psycho-motor, social, emotional, ethical, religious, aesthetic, intellectual and specific skills - all at the same time and each one is equally important.
These areas are interrelated and drive the intellectual development of children in this age group.
The children must develop self-awareness, learn to communicatewith others and interact with the environment in which they live. They learn natural sciences, mathematics, social sciences, language, music, literature, fine arts, artistic expression, English and computers..
Kindergarten aims to encourage the children to expand and enrich their way of thinking.
Cognitive development is aided by the child's internalising the actions they make in relation to objects and people. This internalisation takes place with the help of symbolic function. (deferred imitation, drawing, symbolic play, visualisation and language).
Through systematic intervention, Kindergarten, promotes the intelligence of the child by offering appropriate activities.. The development of creative activities is based on an interdisciplinary approach and experiential, incorporating projects (Project Method) communicative teaching.
These activities include:
MOTHER TONGUE: It aims at the acquisition of the linguistic structure and function of the linguistic system that will allow the child to express their mental and cognitive world.
FAMILIARITY WITH THE ENVIRONMENT: It aims to explore the physical and social environment, which provides a wealth of primary experiences and aids in active learning. This area includes an interdisciplinary experiential approach ( Project Method)) that helps children understand the relationship between the principles of many different disciplines. It builds interconnections in knowledge, facilitates authentic learning and encourages problem-solving. It supports children as they interact and collaborate in a number of ways. When children share their feelings and experiences while exploring a particular topic, their participation is ensured. They are helped to recognise the link between content and skills, and between school and the world. Individual needs and interests are respected and the children actively take part in the learning process.
TheNATURAL SCIENCES LABORATORY aims to introduce young childrento fundamental concepts, to help them better understandthe environment in which they live and to stimulate their inquisitiveness.
The activities help them identify cause and effect by taking part in experiments through which they discover all of the causalities.
Most of the children's activities focus on developing a love for the environment.
Environmental education is not a list of 'musts', but a part of the daily timetable, featuring numerous exhibitions and environmental events.
Through excursions, trips and organised visits, the children experience the world around them first-hand.
As young journalists through their regularly published newspaper, The News from the Microcosm of our Kindergarten, they describe their impressions of school life.
Well aware of the future needs of each child, we also include the teaching of English and computers through play, under the careful guidance of specialised instructors.
The children are introduced to the English language through a special system of teaching. In a constructive and enjoyable manner, they become familiar with the sounds, songs and basic vocabulary along with Teddy and his little train.
The young students' engagement with computers at appropriate times helps them become familiar with the use of the mouse through educational applications based on sound, movement and images.
It is a dynamic means of enhancing, developing and expanding the children's learning.
The combination of images and language enables the children to work independently and make discoveries so that their learning is improved.
We believe that in these ways, combined with care and love, we can best achieve the purpose of our Kindergarten, which is to ensure the well-rounded and balanced development of the young child with the ultimate goal being to prepare them for Primary School.