Καλοκαιρινά Προγράμματα Δημιουργικής Απασχόλησης – 2019

As every year, this year too, after the end of the courses, a special program awaits young and old students. In our school there will Summer Creative Employment Programmes be Summer Creative Activity Programs for children of all ages in the Kindergarten, Nursery and Elementary.

After the end of the school year, from Τρίτη 18 Ιουνίου to Friday 12 Ιουλίου 2019 Summer Camps will be held at our School for children of all ages - from the Kindergarten, Nursery and Primary School be Summer Creative Activity Programs for children of all ages in the KindergartenNursery and Elementary.

In the the lush green environment of our School, children learn through various activities to work in teams, to exercise, to create and to express themselves. The Δραστηριότητες which are already planned, depending on the children's ages, include: Group Games - Excursions - Treasure Hunts - Scavenger Hunts - Board Games - English - Construction - Painting - Drama - Music - Puppetry - Computer Science - Swimming - Basketball - Dance Aerobics - Cooking - Educational Visits, and many other fun Activities.

Πληροφορίες και Δηλώσεις συμμετοχής στις  Γραμματείες των Σχολείων μας.

Τηλέφωνα Επικοινωνίας: 2310 673.565  and 2310.673.030.